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Pox party update: morons exposed!

November 7, 2011

Wow, since I wrote this post,

The pox party pustule has absolutely exploded all over the internet. I wish I could take credit for it, but since I only have the one reader, I doubt it was SkewedD who kicked off the frenzy. No, I think we have to give props to Morgan Loew of Phoenix’s CBS5 for creating the latest internet sensation with his story, although with all of the attention the fact that Loew is the one who lit the fuse may be getting lost in the shuffle.  This is journalism at its best. Loew tracks down parents who proudly posted on Facebook that they were sending live viruses through the mail, and even got a fellow journalist in Tennessee to knock on the door of a woman in that state and discuss this with her. I hope they both took some Purell with them.


Since that time, the Facebook page that I blogged about and which Mr. Loew so wonderfully exposed has been like an elevator; it’s up, it’s down, it’s up, it’s down. The page owners have, unbelievably, tried to claim that they “were never a mail-the-pox page”, despite the thorough documentation by Mr. Loew and CBS5. Sorry folks, it’s just not going to fly. I have no idea why these Typhoid Marys would have the cojones to leave the page up anyway, given that a federal prosecutor has weighed in on the illegality of shipping pox through the mail.

For some reason, the pox partiers think that they will get themselves off the hook by throwing those who admitted sending viruses through the mail under the bus. However, as discussed in my prior post on the subject, simply inviting someone to your home to infect them is enough to make you legally liable for any adverse outcome, not to mention that it may cause sequelae in any child that is infected in your home that are, quite simply, unforgiveable. Pox partiers: don’t do it. You are no better than the pox mailers. And all hail Mr. Loew for his sterling investigative journalism.

From → vaccines

  1. Nope. It was you. I tweeted your post at them (@KPHO) after I saw that some of those mommies were in the Phoenix area. Apparently, they picked it up. Good work. We will continue to observe your development in the blogosphere with great interest.

  2. Well then, it was actually YOU! Good work Reuben! I am lucky that my reader is so smart. I’d buy you a beer if I could.

  3. You could. I seem to always be “around”.

  4. JaneDJ permalink


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